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2024-06-28 03:24 阅读量:1.1万+


哈佛大学英语本科 26年教学和大学成功升学咨询经验!



Elizabeth Drumwright老师


标准化考试准备 — SAT、ACT、SSAT
独立学校申请 — 日间和寄宿



《华人头条》美国社近期对Elizabeth Drumwright老师的专访-------


我的大部分工作(其中的“面包和黄油”)都涉及考试准备。在高中阶段,我主要提供 SAT 准备(阅读和写作)和 ACT 准备(英语和阅读)。作为一名前私立和公立学校的英语教师,我还为高中生准备 AP 语言, 作文考试以及 AP 文学和写作考试。在中学阶段,我为学生准备私立学校申请的 SSAT。此外,我还协助中学生进行 SAT 和 SCAT 准备,以获得进入约翰霍普金斯大学天才青年中心的资格,这是一个深受亚裔美国学生及其家庭欢迎的计划。

除了考试准备之外,我还提供大学升学咨询。作为纽约和新泽西州私立大学预科学校(Prep School)的高中辅导员(Counsellor),我在帮助学生及其家长完成大学申请过程中有丰富的经验。我花了很多时间参观东海岸的大学,以便更好地指导我的学生。我还接待了数百名参观我的学校【普林斯顿大学,哈佛大学】的大学代表。我知道大学招生代表在学生申请、推荐信和辅导员学校报告中寻找什么。事实上,缅因州鲍登学院授予我亨利·沃兹沃斯·朗费罗最佳推荐信奖。

在大学申学咨询的早期阶段,我协助学生制作一份两页的简历或简历,以帮助大学了解自己的个人资料——他们在大学代表眼中的形象——并且我们会迅速努力填补领导力和服务方面的任何空白。我还帮助学生和他们的家长集思广益并最终确定他们的学校报告的指导顾问问卷。接下来,我与学生一起制定适合他们预期专业的大学列表,按类别(覆盖范围、50/50 和安全性)对每所大学进行排名。我建议有关早期行动【early action】和早期决定【early decision】申请与常规入学申请的比较。然后我协助集思广益并编辑学生的大学申请论文,包括主论文和多篇补充论文。我利用我在创意写作方面的背景来帮助学生为他们的写作带来新鲜感和活力。


写作技巧不仅对于人文和社会科学领域的成功至关重要,而且对于 STEM 领域的成功至关重要。每个人都需要能够在页面上很好地展示自己和他们的工作。在高中,写作技巧对于 AP 考试的文档题、修辞分析题和自由答题至关重要。 SAT阅读和写作部分和ACT英语部分测验文法和用法。在大学里,学生不断地撰写分析性和说服性论文、研究论文和实验室报告。顶尖大学生撰写初级论文和高级论文。



写作技能不仅对人文和社会科学领域的成功至关重要,对 STEM 领域的成功也同样重要。每个人都需要能够在纸上很好地展示自己和自己的工作。在高中,写作技能对于 AP 考试的基于文档的问题、修辞分析问题和自由回答问题至关重要。SAT 阅读和写作部分以及 ACT 英语部分测试语法和用法。在大学里,学生不断撰写分析性和说服性文章、研究论文和实验室报告。顶尖大学生撰写大三论文和大四论文。

学生的写作作品增强了他们申请研究生院和进入职场的能力,他们将在职场撰写项目、提案和研究。在 STEM 领域,如果员工写作能力强,他们更有可能晋升到高管级别。我的学生中有许多是从事 IT 和生物科学工作的移民,他们的父母告诉我,他们希望自己能进一步提高写作技能,并希望写作技能更好的同事在工作中比他们晋升得更快。




几年前,在 NPR 关于佐治亚理工学院本科招生的专题报道中,大学申请论文的主题被提及。招生代表抱怨许多申请者的论文质量很差——工程师类型的人并不以写作而闻名。招生代表还指出,在某些情况下,很明显是家长为申请者撰写了论文——语言过于正式、生硬和奉承(有些带有英式拼写)。招生代表讨论了当他们遇到一篇真正引人入胜的原创学生论文时,他们如何偏爱撰写该论文的申请者。


在我教授和指导亚裔美国学生的许多年里,我目睹了他们的混合文化成长对他们的学业成绩和自尊心的利弊。我的亚裔学生准时完成作业,而且做得非常好。他们努力工作,希望超越个人最好成绩。他们是雄心勃勃、积极进取的人。即使是内向的人也能找到某种方式来领导。然而,亚裔父母的标准很高,当孩子达不到标准时,随之而来的失望甚至羞愧可能会很痛苦。我的学生告诉我,当他们的成绩是 B 而不是 A 时,他们会尽一切努力避免在餐桌上“谈话”。他们向我解释说:“‘B’ 是亚裔的失败。”




我的工作是一对一的,并根据学生的需求量身定制,这些需求会随着时间和情况的变化而变化。我在英语教学中的首要任务是让我的学生能够尽最大努力完成他们的学校作业。然后我们扩展学习新的分析和写作技巧,让学生有优势。我鼓励我的学生参加 Scholastic 等写作比赛,这样他们就可以最大限度地打磨他们的作品。多年来,我的一些学生不仅是地区金牌和银牌获得者,而且是全美国金牌和银牌获得者。

在标准化考试准备中,我教授针对考试中不同类型的段落和问题的策略。我从事 SAT 准备工作超过 25 年,从事 ACT 准备工作超过 15 年,所以我知道考试可能向学生提出的各种问题以及如何解决它们。多年来,我从多个来源积累了大量的练习试题,因此我们不会缺少练习材料。当我在普林斯顿有办公室时,教育考试服务中心 (ETS) 的几名员工将他们的孩子送到我这里进行考试准备,因为他们认为我最了解 SAT。

至于我的费用,考虑到我的工作质量和我 26多年的教学经验,我通常收取 75 美元/小时的费用。但是,我会根据情况提供折扣。有几个家庭让我辅导他们的一个以上的孩子。有些家庭与我一起工作了四年或更长时间。最近,我免费辅导了我最优秀的学生之一,因为他的父亲去世时没有大笔积蓄或人寿保险。我向这位学生的父亲承诺,我将与他的儿子一起努力,直到他被他选择的大学录取。


小时候,我在亚洲的日本长大,我的经历使我无论身在何处都对亚洲社区持非常开放和尊重的态度。在东京,我参加了国际圣心学校 (ISSH),在那里,我由英国和爱尔兰修女教英语,其中一些修女拥有博士学位。具有讽刺意味的是,正是在亚洲,我接受了最好的英语语法教育,比我后来家人回到美国时接受的教育还要好。当我适应美国的生活时,多年来我都觉得自己像个移民——虽然我外表像美国人,但我的内心却受到我在亚洲的经历的影响。我甚至知道如何用算盘进行数学计算!我最好的同学往往是日裔美国人和美籍华人!

[English Version]

What kind of educational services you provide? For who? 
Because of my wide range of experience in secondary education, I provide educational services from test preparation and college placement counseling to English instruction.

Much of my work—the “bread and butter” of it—involves test preparation. At the high school level, I mainly offer SAT preparation (Reading and Writing) and ACT preparation (English and Reading). As a former classroom English teacher in both private and public schools, I also prepare high schoolers for the AP Language and Composition exam and the AP Literature and Composition exam (I personally scored a “5”). At the middle school level, I prepare students for the SSAT for private school application. In addition, I assist middle schoolers in SAT and SCAT preparation to qualify for the Center for Talented Youth at Johns Hopkins University, a program quite popular with Asian American students and their families.

Outside of test prep, I offer college placement counseling. As a high school guidance counselor in private college prep schools in New York and New Jersey, I gained much experience helping students and their parents navigate the college application process. I have spent many hours touring colleges up and down the East Coast to better guide my students. I also hosted hundreds of college reps who visited my schools. I know what college admissions representatives are looking for in students’ applications, letters of recommendation, and guidance counselor school reports. In fact, Bowdoin College in Maine honored me with the Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Award for Best Letters of Recommendation.

In the early stages of college placement counseling, I assist students in creating a 2-page resume or curriculum vitae to help them understand their profile—how they would appear to college reps—and we quickly work to fill in any gaps in leadership and service. I also help students and their parents brainstorm and finalize their guidance counselor questionnaires for their school reports. Next, I work with students to generate an appropriate list of colleges for their anticipated major, ranking each college by category—reach, 50/50, and safety. I advise regarding early action and early decision applications versus regular admission applications. Then I assist with brainstorming and editing students’ college application essays, both the main essay and multiple supplements. I use my background in creative writing to help students bring freshness and vitality to their writing.

Why is so important to have good writing skills? 

Writing skills are essential to success not only in the humanities and social sciences, but also the STEM fields. Everyone needs to be able to present themselves and their work well on the page. In high school, writing skills are critical for the document-based questions, rhetorical analysis questions, and free-response questions of the AP exams. The SAT Reading and Writing section and the ACT English section test grammar and usage. In college, students continually write analytical and persuasive essays, research papers, and laboratory reports. Top college students write junior papers and senior theses. 

Students’ written work enhances their application to graduate school and their entry into the workforce, where they will write up projects, proposals, and research. In the STEM fields, employees are more likely to be promoted to the executive level if they can write well. Parents of my students, many of them immigrants working in IT and the biological sciences, tell me they wish they had developed their writing skills more and how their peer employees with better writing skills were promoted over them at work.

Why is so important to write a compelling college application essay? 

The college application essay makes a mark. Its story and statement leave a unique impression that other elements in an application cannot do. In the days since Covid—when in-person interviews ceased during the lockdown, and standardized tests became optional for the majority of colleges—the college application essay has risen in importance. This is the one place where students can convey their essence, their personality, and their character in their own words. In competitive college admissions, great grades and high scores are a dime a dozen, so it is the essay that makes a student stand out. Years ago, a top admissions rep at Williams College stated in an interview that when reading an applicant’s essay, he wanted to be moved, charmed, and even fall in love a bit with the student. Admissions reps want to care enough and be excited enough to root for the student in committee meetings where yes and no decisions are made.

A few stories associated with the above two questions 

Years ago, in an NPR feature on undergraduate admissions at Georgia Tech, the subject of the college application essay came up. Admissions reps complained about the poor quality of many of the applicants’ essays—engineer types are not known for their writing. The reps also pointed out that it was quite obvious in some instances that a parent had written the essay—in excessively formal, stilted, and fawning language (some with British spelling)—for the applicant. The reps discussed how when they came across a really engaging authentic student essay, they showed preference for the applicant who wrote it.

Comment on Asian/ Chinese students and advice.

In the many years that I have taught and mentored Asian American students, I have witnessed both the benefits and the drawbacks of their hybrid cultural upbringing on their academic performance and self-esteem. My Asian students are punctual and great about doing their assigned homework. They push themselves and want to outdo their personal best. They are ambitious go-getters. Even the introverts find a way to lead in some way. However, Asian parent standards are high, and when children fall short, the resulting experience of disappointment and even shame can be tough. My students have shared that they will do anything to avoid the dreaded “talk” at the dining room table when they get a B instead of an A. “A ‘B’ is Asian failure,” they explain to me.

My advice to my Asian American students is to take the best of both worlds and run with it. Enjoy rather than resent the vigilant parental involvement in your education and reap its current and future rewards. Enjoy the healthy balance you have developed between work and play that many other students cannot master at your age. Explore the benefits—creative expression, spontaneity, and freedom—that your American setting provides while plugging into the more secure structure of your Asian American home.

And finally, remember to be a kid—with the requisite feelings of curiosity and wonder— while you still can. Loosen up! Worry a little less. You have several more years ahead to be the successful adult—to design that app, to cure that disease, to make those millions on your startup. Your parents will find some way to brag about you no matter what.

Teaching strategies and If you want to address the rates/fee related.

My work is one-on-one and tailored to the needs of the students that change over time and with the situation. My first priority in English instruction is that my students are equipped to do their best in their school assignments. Then we expand to learn new skills of analysis and composition so the students have an edge. I encourage my students to enter writing contests such as Scholastic so they can polish their pieces to the max. Over the years, some of my students have been not just regional Gold and Silver Key winners, but national Gold and Silver Medal winners.

In standardized test prep, I teach strategies for the different types of passages and questions on the test. I have done SAT prep for over 25 years, and ACT prep for over 15 years, so I know every kind of question the tests can throw at students and how to tackle them. I have a large bank of practice tests built up over the years from several sources, so we don’t run out of practice materials. When I had my office in Princeton, several employees of the Educational Testing Service (ETS) sent their children to me for test prep because they believed I really knew the SAT best.

Regarding my fees, I usually charge 75/hour given the quality of my work and my 25-plus years of teaching experience. Clients get a Harvard English graduate with a masters degree in Creative Writing. However, I do offer discounts depending on the situation. Several families have me tutor more than one of their children. Some families work with me for four years or more. Recently, I have tutored one of my most brilliant students for free since his father died without significant savings or life insurance. I made a promise to this student’s father that I will work with his son through his acceptance to the college of his choice.

Any interesting interaction story relating to your business you like to share with our Asian audience/population?

As a child, I grew up in Asia, in Japan, and my experiences have predisposed me to be very open to and respectful of the Asian community wherever I happen to be. In Tokyo, I attended the International School of the Sacred Heart (ISSH), where I was taught English by British and Irish nuns, some with doctoral degrees. Ironically, it was in Asia that I received the best education in English grammar, better than I ever received later when my family returned to live in the United States. When I adapted to life in the US, I felt like an immigrant for years—though I outwardly resembled Americans, my inner self had a mindset shaped by my experience in Asia. I even knew how to do math calculations with an abacus! My best school friends were often Japanese Americans and Chinese Americans.

Elizabeth Drumwright, MFA

B.A. in English, Harvard University
M.F.A. in Creative Writing, University of British Columbia
 26 Years of Teaching and College Counseling Experience


Online Tutoring Services:
Tutoring in English Language and Literature (Middle and High School)
Standardized Test Preparation — SAT, ACT, SSAT
Independent School Application — Day and Boarding
College Counseling and Application


732-737-5333 cell




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