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CAECA卫高荣等美国北卡各界知名人士出席国会议员David Rouzer举办的晚宴

2024-09-07 11:28 阅读量:1.9万+


       【华人头条美国南北卡罗来纳讯】2024年9月4日晚,联邦国会议员David Rouzer在北Raleigh North Ridge Country Club举办鸡尾酒会及晚宴,邀请美国北卡RTP地区20多位各界知名人士参加;美中经济文化协会(CAECA)创会董事长卫高荣、董事长牛志文、董事陈琼和董事王征一行4人受邀出席。

       52岁的David Rouzer来自北卡罗来纳州第7国会选区,该选区从北卡罗来纳州东南部美丽的海岸线向西延伸至兰伯顿和费耶特维尔、洛丽南部周围。David于2014年初次当选为美国国会议员,目前是他在美国众议院的第5个任期。

       卫高荣先生与David Rouzer 众议员是30多年前结识的朋友,当时David 是时任美国外交委员会主席联邦參议员Jesse Helmes 的助理。这次一见面,两位老朋友就分享了8年前David众议员及其助理Sarah Hill Waters竞选成功后参加活动的照片(11/5/2016)。


活动最后在组织者John Cooper先生的感谢致辞中结束。

       卫高荣先生在过去的数十年间亲历了、更推动了美中在多个领域的交流与合作,并与美国各行各界许多人士建立了密切的联系。他说,我非常珍惜在自己生命中遇到的每一个人,不管他或她是国家的高层人士还是一般的平民百姓!这也是为什么他搜集并精心保留自己78 年人生中的每一张照片!

       卫高荣先生说,自从1982 到Cary定居,迄今已有 42 年;不管红色(共和党) 或者 蓝色(民主党)担任北卡州长,我都能和州长们相处的非常融洽。其他如北卡州务卿或者联邦參众议员们、州议长及议员们、市长及市议员们,甚至wake county 议长、议员们,虽然不一定每位都认识,但是不管来自哪个党派,都能相互尊重、相敬如宾、待之以诚。

English Version

(Translation by Natalie Wu)

On the evening of September 4, 2024, U.S. Congressman David Rouzer hosted a cocktail party and dinner at North Ridge Country Club in North Raleigh, inviting over 20 prominent figures from various fields in the RTP area of North Carolina. Founding Chairman of the Chinese-American Economic and Cultural Association (CAECA), John Wei, Chairman Dr. Steve Niu, along with board members Chen, Qiong and Wang, Zheng, were invited to attend as a group of four.

David Rouzer, 52, represents North Carolina’s 7th Congressional District, which stretches from the beautiful southeastern coastline of North Carolina westward to areas like Lumberton and Fayetteville, and surrounds the southern parts of Raleigh. David was first elected to the U.S. Congress in 2014, and he is currently serving his 5th term in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Mr. John Wei and Congressman David Rouzer have known each other for over 30 years, dating back to when David was an assistant to then-U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman, Senator Jesse Helms. Upon meeting again this time, the two people shared photos from an event 8 years ago (November 5, 2016), following David’s successful election to Congress, where he was accompanied by his assistant, Ms. Sarah Hill Waters.

During the cocktail party, Mr.John Wei and Dr. Steve Niu engaged in discussions with Congressman David Rouzer and other attendees about the current development of the Chinese-American Economic and Cultural Association. They highlighted the association’s significant contributions to the local economy and cultural exchanges. Mr. Chen Qiong, from Wilmington, shared the story of how he expanded his restaurant business in North Carolina, and extended an invitation for everyone to visit his Japanese restaurant in Wilmington. Mr. Wang Zheng focused more on the development plans for the renewable energy industry in the U.S., particularly in North Carolina, and shared his views on Sino-American collaboration regarding the renewable energy industry chain and supporting infrastructure.

During the event, Congressman David Rouzer warmly interacted with each guest and, during the dinner, gave a vivid account of his specific work in shaping policies and legislation in Congress. He also shared his predictions regarding the upcoming presidential candidates’ televised debates and the subsequent election outcomes. The event concluded with a thank-you speech from the campaign manager Mr. John Cooper.

Over the past several decades, Mr. John Wei was born and grew up from Taiwan in 1946 has personally witnessed and actively promoted exchanges and cooperation between the U.S. and China in various fields, establishing close relationships with many individuals across different sectors in the U.S. even the relationship between two countries is not so good as four decades ago. He remarked, “I cherish every person I meet in my life, whether they are high-ranking officials or ordinary citizens!” This is also why he meticulously collects and preserves every photograph from his 78 years of life.

Mr. John Wei shared that since settling in Cary in 1982, it has now been 42 years. Regardless of whether the governor of North Carolina is from the red (Republican) or blue (Democratic) party, he has always been able to maintain very harmonious relationships with them. He added that whether it’s the Secretary of State of North Carolina, federal congressmen and senators, state legislators, mayors, city council members, or even the chairpersons and members of Wake County, although he may not know every single one personally, he always approaches everyone, regardless of party affiliation, with mutual respect, sincerity, and politeness.

左起陈琼,卫高荣,David Rouzer, 牛志昂文,王征


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